Where We Work
Herizon Democracy Principal, Gabrielle Bardall Ph.D., has contributed to advancing global frameworks on women’s political participation and leadership for over a decade.
She has acted in advisory roles to USAID, US Department of State, Global Affairs Canada, UN Women, UNDP and multiple international non-governmental organizations on their global strategies, tools and approaches in this field. She has trained diplomatic staff, members of Congress and foreign aid representatives, including offering Master Classes.
Her advocacy for feminist approaches to democracy assistance include parliamentary testimony and multiple media appearances and op-eds.
The regional experiences below reflect a selection of her past activities.
Caribbean Regional
Trained electoral management body representatives from a dozen Caribbean countries on gender and electoral management issues
Served as advisor to online violence against women in politics monitoring and advocacy initiative, including conceptual approach, methodology & data management, reporting and outreach
El Salvador
Supported women’s post-conflict recovery and reconstruction grassroots initiative
Advised national electoral commission on quota implementation measures. Supported development of a National Gender and Elections Strategy. Trained electoral management body staff and MINUSTAH staff through BRIDGE courses. Designed new programs on preventing violence against women in local government.
Advised and published on implementation and measurement issues for Protocol to Deal with Cases of Political Violence against Women
Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN)
Trained ASEAN members and partners on policy responses to promote women’s political participation and decrease violence against women in politics
Autonomous Region of Bougainville
Co-authored assessment of violence against women in politics
Trained and assisted election violence early warning system. Provided advisory support to gender and political finance assessment.
Trained members of the Electoral Commission of Pakistan on gender and elections; Co-authored assessment of violence against women in politics
Papua New Guinea
Co-authored assessment of violence against women in politics
Sri Lanka
Designed and advised a pilot study using artificial intelligence tool to track, measure, interpret and respond to online harassment and violence against women in local politics
Conducted targeted research on barriers preventing gender quota from sustained growth.
Assessed state measures to meet sustainable development goals on gender and advised MPs on quota options for national office
Trained electoral commission on collaboration with civil society for voter education and outreach
Trained electoral commission members on gender and elections
Authored a guide on preventing and combatting sexism in local government in Ukraine. Researched on online violence and harassment against women in politics. Conducted program assessments on gender and democracy activities. Supported training for male champions of women’s political participation and leadership.
Designed and supported online and offline assessments of violence against women in politics
Introduced gender monitoring and analysis into electoral observation mission as a member of the core team. Designed and implemented targeted research tools, trained and coordinated over 40 Long-Term and Medium-Term Observers on gender data collection.
Provided advisory support the gender and elections analysis.
Training electoral commission staff on electoral system design.
Trained members of Tunisian civil society on women’s political participation. Advised and consulted with Tunisian CSOs to enhance gender and elections strategies. Conducted fact-finding assessment and analysis on post-revolution democracy and elections.
Conducted a gender analysis of Syria’s electoral framework using an international women’s rights framework and developed a comprehensive report analyzing Syria’s electoral framework in relation to international human rights standards, focusing on women’s rights.
Designed and implemented electoral violence early warning system that mobilized over 900 community monitors to document and analyze election violence in multiple elections. Designed new programs on women’s political participation and leadership and on anti-corruption civic engagement and on electoral support. Trained electoral commission members on electoral dispute resolution, gender and elections, and civic education.
Democratic Republic of Congo
Led democracy and governance assistance programming as in-country team lead, including coordinating 6 regional democracy learning centers. Trained electoral commission staff on electoral dispute resolution, civic education. Conducted program monitoring and evaluation.
Researched and edited study on Gender, Elections and the Management of Diversity.
Nominated to high-level pre-electoral delegation and assessment mission. Supported women entrepreneur’s microfinance cooperatives.
Researched security sector and electoral management coordination structures and strategy. Trained electoral commission staff. Supporting civic education programs. Participated as electoral observer.
Conducted gender assessment for Country Development Cooperation Strategy. Participated as electoral observer.
Advised on the development of a national gender and election strategy. Provided training to electoral management body.
Regional East & Southern Africa
Reviewed and analyzed national legislative frameworks for women’s political participation and leadership.
Sahel Region
Trained women peace builders on gender, elections and constitutional reform
Developed national operational plan for Women’s Situation Desks during 2020-21 elections. Designed curriculum and delivered training on applied security sector engagement to integrate gender-sensitive concerns in election security planning.
Conducted field assessment of violence against women in elections in Zambia (desk research, one-on-one interviews, report and recommendations). Developed and implemented training on digital hygiene and online personal safety for civil society and political aspirants. Provided one-on-one coaching sessions to civil society activists.
Designed and advised implementation of legal aid and justice for survivors of violence against women in politics program. Conducted research on online and offline violence against women in elections.
**These are select examples of Herizon Democracy's principal's activities.